Well, apparently Rick Perry has managed to shoot himself in the foot again. This man definitely has talent, because I don't know anyone else who can manage this right now. Well, except maybe Mitt Romney, or John McCain, or....okay, I take it back. Its a symptom of the current GOP.
Anyway, he's put himself on the record now as saying that Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are all unconstitutional. I don't see why he cares, seeing as he ignores the Constitution whenever he wants to, anyway. Such as with that prayer rally, which had abysmal attendance (my faith in Texas may be restored, yet).
I don't know why he thinks its a good idea to get seniors riled up. A large portion of his base are going to be seniors and people approaching retirement and senior age. They're going to wait their Social Security (which they have paid into since they began working back who knows when), they're going to want their Medicare. Seniors don't tend to like it when you try to take things like this away from them.
But, aside from that, I can't imagine a majority of younger people wanting to go for this, either. Usually, these programs are what younger people look forward to for their retirement and senior years. I was taught to look forward to it, especially Social Security retirement benefits. Its supposed to work sort of like a trust fund. You pay money into it while you're able-bodied and working. When you reach a certain age, you get that money you paid into it back via retirement checks. Its YOUR money. Not the government's money. But, they'd like to have you think its their money.
As for Medicaid and Medicare, these programs help people get the health care that they need. Medicaid helps children more often than it helps adults. Medicare helps seniors. There are issues with fraud in these programs, but those can be dealt with without having to get rid of the programs or make cuts to the programs. Those can be dealt with by closing loopholes, by holding the fraudsters accountable, making the punishments less of a joke and enforcing them, even when its doctors and hospitals which perpetuate the fraud. If you have Medicaid or Medicare, and you go into the hospital for something the hospital will tend to bill Medicaid or Medicare (whichever you've got) more than they would bill YOU if you were uninsured. They do this because they can. Sometimes, they double-charge, and triple-charge. Because, they can. Stop those things from happening, hold those that commit the fraud accountable in a meaningful way and it WILL stop. Or, at least, it will become much less common.
People need these programs, because without them some people will have absolutely no healthcare at all. And, I know that some people don't have sympathy for anyone who is unable to provide their own money for their own healthcare, but I wonder what kind of sympathy they'll expect whenever the shoe ends up on the other foot. Because, it will most of the time. Eventually. The members of the younger generation today who are pushing for abolishment of these programs are not just hurting others, they're hurting themselves, and if this shit actually comes to pass they'll realize it when they get older, or if they fall on hard times they could not have avoided no matter how hard they tried. For their sake, and mine, and all the others who would be immediately affected by the abolishment of these programs, I really hope that never comes to pass and they can go on living in blissful ignorance.
Further, I don't really understand why he thinks these things are unconstitutional, anyway. I think it boils down to his preference that they be unconstitutional. That is how he interprets the parts of the Constitution that deal with general welfare, because that's what's convenient for the platform he's running on. When asked, he has no idea what the Founding Fathers meant by general welfare and he cannot answer. Instead he comes up with a bullshit excuse about not wanting to sit there and hash it out.
I don't know what it is with the GOP hopefuls and doing their very best to alienate their own base and ruin the country. But, I'm glad that they're too stupid to hide their real agendas. It'll make it difficult for them to win and screw up the country even further.
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