The whole thing seems to be due to a joke that Letterman pantomimed. While talking about the death of senior al-Qaida member Ilyas Kashmiri, he drew his finger across his neck. That was it. That was the joke. That was what was so vile and nasty that it warranted someone to go on a website like that and call for the man's death.
"Is there not amongst you a Sayyid Nosair al-Masri (may Allah release him) to cut the tongue of this lowly Jew and shut it forever. Just as Sayyid (may Allah release him) did with the Jew Kahane."
The above is what the user had to say when calling for Letterman's death.
This information comes from a website called SITE Intelligence Group.
It should also be noted that Letterman is apparently not even Jewish. The man that the user speaks of called Sayyid Nosair al-Masri is a terrorist who was tried twice for the murder of Meir Kahane, who was the founder of the Jewish Defense League, in 1991. The second trial resulted in a conviction.
The FBI has stated to the AP that they are looking into the threat against Letterman.
Personally, I think that Letterman should go on doing what he's been doing and if he chooses to issue an apology for upsetting them, that's his business, but I don't think he should make a huge deal out of the apology. It won't be good enough for them, anyway, and besides that every time someone makes the tiniest misstep as far as a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer is concerned someone's death is called for. They do this not only because it apparently makes sense to them, but also because they know it gets results. Most of the time, people knuckle under.
In the past when this has happened, newspapers and other print media have refused to show cartoons or articles that have upset the terrorists in some way, afraid that they will be bringing down the wrath of these people onto their country, their city, their state or province or territory, their own media outlet, an employee or group of employee, or themselves specifically.
Even South Park knuckled under when the death of it's creators was called for after they showed the Prophet Muhammed in a cartoon episode, now they use a black box to represent him if they decide to use him.
We cannot allow terrorists to censor our news or our entertainment. It doesn't work to appease them, anyway, and aside from that it just encourages the behavior. I'm all for being sensitive to other people, but this is not the same thing.
If this person had instead sent in letters to demand an apology from Letterman for something he felt was uncalled for and rude, but did not in any way call for Letterman's death or harm, then that would be different. But, this is not what happened. What happened was instead of doing what a reasonable person might do, they immediately went onto a website that supports terrorism and terrorist groups and called for his death.
We have got to stop this knuckling under now. We and other nations have tried it, it just gives the terrorists more power over us and our media, it encourages the heinous behavior, and it doesn't appease them in the slightest.
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